Master the Art of Ayurvedic Bodywork

Dive deep into the world of Ayurvedic therapy and gain expertise in a range of classical techniques. Our Level 1 training will equip you with a strong foundation in Ayurvedic fundamentals, while our hands-on Live Training in Level 2 will equip you with the techniques and protocols. 

By completing our program, you'll earn the title of 
Ayurvedic Bodywork Technician.

Take your career to the next level with our Ayurvedic Bodywork Technician Certification. Learn classical techniques and gain hands-on experience to become a Certified Ayurvedic Bodywork Technician. Acquire new skill sets that will allow you to work in day spas or clinical settings, attracting a whole new clientele. Bring your career to a new level and open doors to exciting opportunities in the world of Ayurvedic therapy.

✔️ Become a Certified Ayurvedic Bodywork Technician
✔️ Bite size classes - so you’re not overwhelmed with long drawn out sessions.
✔️ Dynamic Presentations made with modern technology and graphics

Expand your skillset and attract a new clientele

Elevate your practice with a comprehensive foundation in Ayurveda Fundamentals. Learn the ancient techniques and therapies that will transform your approach to bodywork. This program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to become an Ayurvedic Bodywork Technician, preparing you for a day spa setting, or to work in a clinic with an Ayurvedic Practitioner or Doctor performing treatments.

Let’s connect!

Who is this course for?
It is for YOU! Especially if you are feeling the call and are inspired. This is a rapidly growing modality and there is a huge market potential. There simply is not enough therapists to meet the demand. If you are already a massage therapist, add this modality to your service menu and be unique! If you are a Yoga Teacher or Practitioner it will only enhance your practice and give your more wisdom to share with your students and clients as well as theraeutic techniques. Energy healers, mental health professionals, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Anyone with a heart to learn and a willingness to raise their conscious awareness for themselves and your community.
How long will I have access?
You will have access to this course for 3 years. Although it is Self Paced, I want you to set goals and make a commitment. The online portion is just Level 1. To be completely certified to give this treatments, you must complete a Live Training. Live Trainings are held twice a year. 
Will I receive continuing education credits?
I am in candidacy for CE’s from NCTMB for massage therapists. 
You can receive credits for Yoga Alliance.
NAMA Professionals will also qualify for CE’s.
How many hours for both levels?
The online portion is Level 1. This is aproximately 40 hours (Still in the process of editing)
The Level 2 training will vary depending on the training. Anywhere from 20-50.

Ayurveda Spa Therapy Manual

Included in the course is the one of a kind manual for Ayurvedic Bodywork. 

The Ayurveda Spa Therapy Manual is a thorough work to embrace the ancient art of Ayurvedic treatments in the modern day spa setting. This manual is a guide for those who would like to explore Ayurvedic treatments and expand their skill set. Ayurvedic treatments are transformational, for both client and therapist alike and are truly unique.

The manual includes protocols with photos for Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Garshana, & Swedana, with orientation to other treatments such as Vishesh, Pizzichilli, Pinda Swedana, Udvartana, Nasya, Dough Basti, Marma Therapy and more.

A special chapter is dedicated to self care for the Ayurvedic Body Therapist with yoga sequences, daily and seasonal routines to enhance the health and longevity of the practitioner and their career.

Amazing resources and discount codes on Ayurvedic products and supplies!

Companion Videos are included as a Bonus for the Live Training participants, or for separate purchase here.

Recieve the Free One Hour Intro Class on Ayurvedic Body Therapies and Marma Therapy

This free one hour class gives you insight into the various Ayurvedic Body therapies and Marma which are vital energy points. Highlighted are 4 treatments such as Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Swedana, and Garshana, as well as intro in to the Marma point system.