"A person undergoing rejuvenation therapy attains longevity, memory, intellect, freedom from diseases, youth, excellence of complexion, and voice, excellent potentiality of the body and the sense-organs, vak-siddhi, respect and brilliance."
- Charaka-Samhita

  • Ayurvedic Therapies offer a profound mind-body reset, especially when performed multiple days in a row. Ayurveda is the oldest known medical science that has intelligently and from divine inspiration, designed a gentle, thorough and the only method of its kind.

    If you are new to Ayurveda, you will be gently guided and educated in a way that helps inspire you integrate the principles.

    If you are looking for a way to unplug, refresh, and rejuvenate then this program could be right for you. Mindfulness, emotional balance, and stabilizing the mind/body connection are increasingly important in a time when constant connectivity, movement and overstimulation leaves you exhausted and depleted.

    An Ayurvedic Cleanse program is highly thorough and effective to reset and replenish depleted reserves. A complete mind-body-spirit healing experience, the depth of transformation that it offers will give you a new perspective on how good you can really feel, and a Holistic path that reveals our true potential.

    Ayurvedic Cleansing Programs are traditionally performed during seasonal changes for general rejuvenation and prevention, however, they can be custom designed for the individual locally & remote at any time, and necessary if you are experiencing the following:

    Physical exhaustion

    Nervous exhaustion

    Mental exhaustion


    Weakened Immunity

    Chronic Fatigue

    Sexual debility



    Digestive Disturbances

    And more....

    When toxins, (ama), accumulates in the body, it blocks the flow of energy, information, and nourishment throughout the your body. The divine science of Ayurveda offers rejuvenation that restores vitality at the cellular level and offers simple and applicable tools for ongoing self-care and prevention.

    With each therapy, more and more balance is restored to your mind, body, and spirit. Reaching and supporting homeostasis.

    During an Ayurvedic Cleanse, detoxification is stimulated through the movement of the lymph and the binding of toxins to the medicated oils used in Ayurvedic therapies. Furthermore, inflammation is inhibited, and endorphin production is increased.

    Ayurvedic cleansing improves the quality of your skin and a youthful glow. Improves sleep, memory, and concentration. Clears your voice, and improves the capacities of all the sense organs (eyes, ears, skin, and mouth) as well as builds the body's immunity.

    Our personal cleansing programs offer a combination of Ayurvedic self care techniques designed to nourish the 5 senses; taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound.

    When the senses are clear and nourished and the mind and body reintegrate, blockages begin to clear in the physical and energetic channels. This promotes the experience of deep states of relaxation, and your entire being becomes balanced and vibrant. It is not just the physical toxins that we are eliminating, it is a holistic, mind-body-spirit cleanse. It is all connected.

    The Program

    A three-part process, from start to finish it requires abstention from: Sexual activity, alcohol & other intoxicants, caffeine & stimulants, refined sugars, processed foods, and unnecessary exposure to media.

    Phase 1:

    Beginning with the Initial Consultation, a customized menu & treatment plan is designed. Your daily routine will also include recommendations for Yoga, Breathwork, journaling, and time in nature if accessible. This phase begins ideally 7 days before Phase 2, and prepares you to receive daily detoxification treatments. You will begin to eliminate specific food & drink and mentally orient yourself for the cleansing process in your environment.

    Phase 2:

    Plan on aprox. 3 hours per day for your self-care routine (includes morning and evening routine). Daily treatments are self-administered on the body to loosen & gently release the toxins at the cellular level. The self-care & nurturing that you receive is an integral and vital part of the healing & cleansing process.

    The daily treatments should not be compromised as it is extremely important and key to mobilize and remove the imbalances, pacify and reset the nervous system, remove toxic accumulations from the tissues, re-establish circulation and flow through blocked channels and revitalize organ function.

    Phase 3:


    It is vitally important to follow the Rejuvenation plan provided to you following Phase 2. The cleansing process that began with Phase 1, and deepened in Phase 2, continues as you integrate back into your everyday life. The hope is to use this time to set new patterns and habits and enhance your quality of life.

    The body has been slowed down and depleted from toxin removal and needs slow, careful rejuvenation. Taking herbs, continuing with Yoga, journaling, meditation, breathwork and slowly incorporating new foods into your meals is part of the plan. We recommend at least 1 week be devoted to rejuvenation.

    In these days and times, just a little cleansing goes a long way. 2 days can really make a difference if that's all the time you have then it is more than worth it. The perfect program will be created for you, taking into account your condition, duration available, and budget that fits.

    Programs range from 2-5 days

    Consider a 2 or 3 day mini-retreat for self-care and rejuvenation or if time allows, 5 days for a transformational immersion. After 5 days, if you wish to continue the cleanse we can create a plan and support.

    To further enhance your cleanse program, you will have the option to book private educational sessions in:

    *Yoga/Meditation & Breathwork

    *Nutrition & Cooking

    *CBD for healing Consultation

    $50/per Hour


    Please see the list of FAQ's or Request a Free Discovery Call

    Customized Program Rates:

    Request a Free Discovery Call

    Remote Guided Cleanse

    *1 Pre and Post Program consultation as well as daily counseling & support throughout the program

    *Customized Menu, & Daily Schedule with a checklist and journals

    *Educational Ebook

    *20% Discount on Cleanse Kit

    *Daily Tutorials for Yoga, meditation, breathwork, & cooking

    3 Days $595

    5 Days $995

    A 50% non-refundable deposit is required when the program is booked and a contract created. The balance will be due the final day of the program to allow for any add-ons or adjustments. We accept credit card, cash, or venmo.

  • During Summer we free ourselves up a bit from diet restrictions and our routine fluctuates, so as we approach the season of Autumn, we can set an intention to bring our bodies back into balance for the change of seasons.

    The best way to do this is by taking a few days to do a gentle cleanse, and digestive reset. I would love it if you would join me in doing this together!

    5 days, 5 elements (Air, Water, Space, Fire, Earth), 5 Senses (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Skin, Mouth/Taste).

    Let us support each other in self care for the transition of the season change!

    Let’s embrace this transition together in a container of support

    Seasonal Cleanse Details:

    1 Initial Consultation - This is to determine your unique constituition, develop a customized program, and address any health goals

    Orientation on self cleansing practices such as self Abhyanga, oil pulling, nasya, garshana, swedana, tongue scraping, etc.

    Daily Check-Ins for full support and guidance

    Daily Morning & Evening yoga & breathwork classes focusing on one element and one sense organ per day

    Full Seasonal Cleanse Ebook with recipes for the three phases of the cleanse

    Workbook for journaling and tracking

    20% discount on cleanse groceries and supplies

    1 Follow-up Consultation post cleanse

    Kitchari will be our main staple through the cleanse week. There are 3 phases. The first phase is to slowly eliminate meat, wheat, dairy, caffeine, alchohol, processed foods. The second phase is the mono-diet phase. We will eat mainly kitchari and perform daily self cleansing practices that will lead up to a gentle purge, we will have one day for this purge. The third and final phase is rebuilding and rekindling the digestive strength. A Q & A and orientation session will be held one week prior to the cleanse

    Seasonal Cleanse Investment: $249 (total value is $425 - groceries and supplies purchased independently)What’s Included: 1 Initial Consultation - This is to determine your unique constituition, develop a customized program, and address any health goals.

    Orientation on self cleansing practices such as self Abhyanga, oil pulling, nasya, garshana, swedana, tongue scraping, etc.

    Daily Check-Ins for full support and guidance

    Daily Morning & Evening yoga & breathwork classes

    Full Seasonal Cleanse Ebook with recipes for the three phases of the cleanse

    Workbook for journaling and tracking

    20% discount on cleanse groceries and supplies

    1 Follow-up Consultation post cleanse

    All for 5 days of guided support in a group and led by Yours Truly!

    Request to Join Spring 2025 Session

    Request to Join Fall Equinox 2024 Session!

  • This package will set you on a course of initial detoxification and set you up for success with ongoing maintenance. Restore your vitality while preventing the imbalances that lead to the onset of disorders and conditions associated with long-term exposure. Consistent digital detox can offset the negative effects of radiation and blue light. These treatments also rejuvenate and strengthen the Nervous System that become taxed and depleted.

    Ayurvedic Digital Detoxification is a remotely guided program where we can virtually work together in the comfort of your own space. It features a combination of highly effective recommendations for diet and lifestyle, self-care techniques and optional herbal formulations.

    Beginning with an initial consultation, we can learn to understand your symptoms and plan your treatments and program for your unique constitution and to achieve your health goals.

    The treatments will be designed around nourishing and rejuvenating the 5 sense organs, (eyes, ears, nose, skin) and will carry over, restoring balance in all aspects of your life.

    The regimen includes a combination Ayurvedic self administered treatments:

    *Abhyanga (full body Ayurvedic massage)

    *Nasya (sinus treatment)

    *Eye Bathing

    *Ear Soother

    *Swedena (heat therapy)

    *Marma Point (accupressure)

    *Yoga/Qi Gong Tutorials

    *Breathwork/Pranayama Tutorials

    *Ayurvedic Menu

    *Herbal Regimen

    Following sessions can be booked according to the symptoms presenting and/or to what you feel you need.

    Questions??? Request a Free 15 minute clarity call

    Ready for some relief?

    Contact Me and let's get started!

  • Please Visit the Page for Cleanse Program Rates Here

  • What other benefits does cleansing offer?

    Reducing Stress and toxic load from environmental pollutants, poor lifestyle choices, disharmonious relationships, and more, is a must for us in our modern culture.

    Ayurveda means "the science of life", in essence, "the science of a life well lived". Ayurveda empowers you to take the reigns of your health journey.Giving yourself the adequate time to learn about your unique constitution and what you need for maintaining balance on a daily basis will set you on a course for establishing new habits & patterns that support your well-being.

    When is the best time to do a Cleanse Program?

    The best time to do a cleanse is when you can be devoted to rest, unplugging, and free from your normal schedule & environment.

    Traditionally, 5-21 day Ayurvedic cleansing is done seasonally such as Winter into Spring, and Fall into Winter. These weather changes can bring imbalance to our well being.

    For a 2 or 3 day, in person mini-retreat, this can be customized to fit your schedule. Consider these to be a quarterly maintenance for self-care and rejuvenation.

    What foods are taken during an Ayurvedic Cleanse?

    The main food taken during in Ayurvedic Cleanse is called Kitchari. A mono-diet of mostly spiced oatmeal or quinoa for breakfast, and Kitchari for lunch and dinner. Kitchari is quite savory and delicious. A complete protein, high fiber, nourishing meal that is stabilizing, grounding, and perfectly gentle on digestion.

    Specific spices and vegetables will be chosen for your constitution and needs during cleansing.

    Certain non-dairy milks can be taken along with recommended and provided herbal teas.

    Where should I do the Program?

    The conditions under which a cleanse program takes place are as important as the actual process. Considerations include traveling long distances, orienting to a new place, etc.

    There are currently 3 options for conducting a cleanse locally with me:

    Daily Visits to the Clinic:

    Coming in every day of your program to receive check-ins, treatments, and receive your daily meal.

    Client procures an Air Bnb

    It is very beneficial to get away from your normal environment and distractions. We will set up our treatment equipment and the kitchen for your needs during the cleanse.

    In-Residence program. -

    Often clients prefer the comfort of their own home or may have special circumstances. This would be considered a 'Premium Service'

    Both following options will have similar approaches:

    Staff will travel to you with all necessary equipment and kitchen supplies to be set up in room suitable for administering treatments.

    For In Residence therapist can board at your home with appropriate and private accomodation, or be boarded by the client at a nearby location.

    All meals & teas will be prepared for you in a on-site kitchen

Customized Cleanse Programs