Access the Body, Mind, and Consciousness
Learn how to locate and interact with the 107 marma points in this unique program, offering Pranic Healing and Polarity Therapy integration into the ancient wisdom of the system of Marma Therapy.

The Ayurvedic system of Marma points facilitate profound healing for the body, mind and consciousness. Students will become acquainted with the 107 vital energy points, their precise anatomical locations, and their vital functions connecting the physical body to our energetic body, into universal conciousness. Polarity Therapy is an ancient art of harmonizing energy and coupled with Pranic Healing, can activate your own self-healing potential. Students will learn the energetics of each Marma point and various stimulation techniques such as tuning forks, guasha, essential oils and more! 

✔️ Bite size classes - so you’re not overwhelmed with long drawn out sessions.
✔️ Dynamic Presentations made with modern technology and graphics


✺ Gain a thorough foundation in Ayurveda as a holistic medical science
✺ Learn the Art and Science of Marma Therapy from the Ayurvedic Medical System
✺ Learn to locate the 117 Marmani on the entire body & apply Marmani to Self Care rituals
✺ Learn various stimulation techniques such as massage, tuning forks, guasha, and more!
✺ Cultivate your intuition & learn the ancient art of Polarity Therapy and Pranic Healing (similiar to Reiki)
✺ Learn to apply specific protocols to aide in pain relief and restore prana (vital life force energy)
✺ Identify different body constitutions or doshas & learn the indications and contraindications of therapeutic application

Expand your skillset and attract a new clientele


Marma is a subtle energy system of the body. Ayurveda says "the more subtle, the more powerful". As we learn to work with the marmani, we grow and transform in our personal journey to be of service to yourself first, then your community. 

Market potential

Ayurvedic Bodywork is highly sought out and the demand for trained and certified Ayurvedic Bodyworkers is greater by the day. Stand out in your community with these unique offerings!

Specialized training

Eligibility to attend the Live Practicum and learn the hands on techniques, advanced stimulation techniques, and precise anatomical point locations. 

Inclusive modality

This course can be for Yoga Therapists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Nurses, Energy Healers, Self Care enthusiasts, and more!

level 1 | self-paced | online program

LEVEL 2 | live training 


How can I use this Modality?
Add this to your practice! Bodyworkers, Yoga Therapists, Estheticians, Acupuncturists, Naturopathy, Nurses, Mental Health Workers, Reiki Practitioners, Self Care
What materials will I need?
Are there any pre-requisites?
Marma Therapy Level I is required to attend the Level II Live training. 

Is there a payment plan option?
If you cannot put the entire amount on a credit or debit card, we can offer a $500 deposit and the final payment will be due by the last day of the course.

What are the accommodations?
There is onsite lodging and meals available on a beautiful 22 acre property in Knoxville, IL

Who is this for?
Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Yoga Therapists, Reiki Practitioners, Mental Health, Self Care, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths

Recieve the Free One Hour Intro Class on Ayurvedic Body Therapies and Marma Therapy

This free one hour class gives you insight into the various Ayurvedic Body therapies and Marma which are vital energy points. Highlighted are 4 treatments such as Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Swedana, and Garshana, as well as intro in to the Marma point system.