Access the Body, Mind, and Consciousness
Learn how to locate and interact with the 107 marma points in this unique program, offering Pranic Healing and Polarity Therapy integration into the ancient wisdom of the system of Marma Therapy.

"Marmas are the portals to the universal conciousness" 

The Ayurvedic system of Marma points facilitate multi-dimensional and profound healing for the body, mind and consciousness. Students will become acquainted with the 107 vital energy points, their precise anatomical locations, and their vital functions connecting the physical body to our energetic body, into universal conciousness. Polarity Therapy is an ancient art of harmonizing energy and coupled with Pranic Healing, can activate your own self-healing potential. Students will learn the energetics of each Marma point and various stimulation techniques such as tuning forks, guasha, essential oils and more! 

✔️ Bite size classes - so you’re not overwhelmed

✔️ Dynamic Presentations 

✔️ Thorough and Comprehensive

Expand your skillset and attract a new clientele

Elevate your practice with a comprehensive foundation in Polarity Therapy & Marma Cikitsa. Learn the ancient techniques and therapies that will transform your approach to bodywork. This program will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary, preparing you for a day spa setting, or to work in a clinic with an Ayurvedic Practitioner or Doctor performing treatments. 

Eligible for CEU's for massage therapists, and Yoga Teachers!


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. 
~ Benjamin Franklin
Principles of Marma Massage Therapy
The word marma translates to “vital energy point located on the surface of the body.” Similar to the acupuncture points of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), marma points, or marmani, are accessed throughout the physical body using various anatomical landmarks. Although we can use these points in singularity, we often bring a sequence or a series of these points together in a protocol to enhance the therapeutic effect for the goal of the session.
Uses for Marma Therapy
The function and use of marma therapy can be multifaceted. One of its main purposes is for pain management or soreness and tightness in a specific region in the musculoskeletal system.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, when we view pain of any sort—whether it be acute, muscular, or related to a pathology—we first want to understand if there is pranic stagnation occurring, preventing healthy flow of our energy. Because of this, pain can be a by-product.

The subtle science of marma therapy works on more than just the physical body, it also works on the energetic anatomy. Similar to yoga as the sister science, Ayurveda says the body has 72,000 channels of flow and/or energy channels. 

Only some of these are physical channels, such as the vascular or lymphatic systems of the body; but most are subtle channels that support the energetic aspects of the human being. Prana, or our life force, manifests and works on both the physical and subtle channels. Thus, stagnation of prana can manifest in many ways.

In pressing painful marma points, we release any obstruction that is preventing healthy energy (prana) flow. Where there is pain, there is an imbalance. Thus, activating a marma point, stimulates more pranic flow, as they are the spaces where prana is held.

Marmani can also be incorporated for very specific actions and benefits to elicit healing and movement. For example, when pressing on the marma point directly at the top of the nose bridge, we can help release any sinus congestion or swelling in the nasal passage that might be preventing deep inhalations. 

By pressing a marma point at the notch below the nose and above the lips, we can prevent a sneeze from occurring if it’s a time where it may seem disruptive.

Finally, marma therapy is a great tool to induce relaxation and stress relief, similar to many other forms of massage and bodywork.
Using Marma Massage in Your Practice & Self Care
The most common way to activate various marmani is through touch and pressure. In Ayurveda, touch is touted as the greatest gift of love we can give ourselves or to others. This is why a hug can be so powerful—it releases endorphins into the system. Similarly, by pressing into the marma point, we are not only inducing balance and encouraging healthy pranic flow, but we are also supporting the client on deeper mental and emotional levels.

In its most traditional use, marma therapy employs the thumb, index finger, and middle finger to press into the points. A great companion tool to marma therapy is a Kansa wand, which has long been used in Ayurvedic esthetics and massage work to support healthy lymph flow. Similar to gua sha, the wand can be used to divert the pressure from the practitioner’s hands and fingers into the tool.

You can also use various types of enhancements in your marma practice by incorporating essential oils that may be beneficial for the client. Likewise, crystals, gems, and tuning forks can be placed directly on marma points before or after the application of pressure to infuse the energy of the apparatus into the specific point. Tuning forks can be a great tool to use the power of vibration and sound frequency to shake up whatever may be stagnant, congested, or stuck.

A subtler way to activate marmani is through simple awareness. It’s important to remember that although this bodywork is part of a physical science and treatment methodology, we cannot dismiss the immense amount of subtle activation marma therapy incorporates. 

Often, just sending our breath, attention, and awareness to sensitive and sore areas of the body can be enough to activate those marma points and create the same benefits as physical touch. This is particularly effective as a modification for self care.
A Deeper Connection to Our Emotional Health
Marma points throughout the body can first be linked to connective tissue. This is the main reason marma points are so beneficial to physical health. On a deeper level, this connective tissue is related to the nervous system. 

In Ayurveda, the nervous system is intimately connected to our mind and the chakra system. For this reason, it is important to note the power marma therapy can have on our mental and emotional health. Ayurveda has long been seen as a science of the body, mind, and spirit. Thus, it is impossible to discount the impact suppressed emotions, our mental and emotional state, and a general imbalanced disposition have on our physical health.

In Ayurveda, it’s believed that unprocessed emotions can turn into a physical pathology if not supported, treated, and released in a healthy way. For this reason, marma therapy plays a large role in mental and emotional well-being as a means to release any stuck emotion. For individuals who have unresolved trauma, using marma therapy to begin the release process may also have a direct impact on their physical health.
Empowering Clients and Ourselves
Marma therapy is an incredible form of bodywork that works on all levels of our healing—physical, mental, and emotional. Plus, it gives us the opportunity to not only support others but also empower our clients and ourselves to practice self-marma to continue the healing process on their/your own. Whether you are looking for a practice to offer or for your personal enrichment, marma therapy offers benefits on all facets of our healing.

Polarity Marma Therapy

What's Inside

  35 Hours of Recorded Presentations to view on your schedule
  Live Q & A's for learning support
  Access to Seva for learning support
 Study groups in the platform
  Generous Workbooks & Handouts

Who is this Course For?
It is for YOU! Especially if you are feeling the call and are inspired. This is a rapidly growing modality and there is a huge market potential. There simply is not enough therapists to meet the demand. If you are already a massage therapist, add this modality to your service menu and be unique! If you are a Yoga Teacher or Practitioner it will only enhance your practice and give your more wisdom to share with your students and clients as well as theraeutic techniques. Energy healers, mental health professionals, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Anyone with a heart to learn and a willingness to raise their conscious awareness for themselves and your community.
How Long Will I Have Access?
You will have access to this course for 3 years. Although it is Self Paced, I want you to set goals and make a commitment. The online portion is just Level 1. To be completely certified to give this treatments, you must complete a Live Training. Live Trainings are held twice a year. 
Will I receive continuing education credits?
Yes! 35 CE's for Massage Therapists through NCBTMB. 
Provider #1001282

You can receive credits for Yoga Alliance.

NAMA Professionals will also qualify for PACE.

How Many Hours for Both Levels?
The online portion is Level 1. This is aproximately 35 hours 

The Level 2 training will vary depending on the training. Anywhere from 20-50.

When and Where are the Live Trainings for Level 2?
Live trainings for 2026-2026 can be found here on the website.

When a training is being scheduled, you will be contacted for registration.
What Content is in the Modules?
40 Virtual Hours of Content

Module 1: 
Intro to Ayurvedic Medicine
Five Elements - Three Doshas
Personal Constitution Assessment

Module 2:
Ayurvedic Anatomy 
Srotas - Channels
Pathogenesis - Disease Process

Module 3:
Koshas: The Energy Body
Nadis & Prana

Module 4:
Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Fundamentals
Intro & History
Limbic System
Highlighted Essential Oils
Essential Oil Selection for the Doshas
Energetics of Essential Oils
Formulation Guidelines
Safety & Therapeutic Applications
Extraction Methods
Conscious Selection for purchase

Module 5: 
The Marma System
Intro & History
Detailed Exploration of Each Marma point
Marma Cikitsa

Module 6: Methods of Activation
Tuning Forks
Essential Oils
Color Therapy
Yoga - Asana - Marma for Yoga Therapy
Meditation & Mudras
Yoga Nidra Session

Module 7: Pranic Healing & Polarity Therapy (Featuring Amadea Morningstar)
Introduction, Theory & Practice
Hand Sensitizing Techniques
Grounding Techniques

Module 8: Self Care
Self Care Protocols
Karna Purana
Meditation Practices
Yoga Nidra

Module 9: Growing your Practice
Ayurvedic Business Strategies

How can I use this Modality?
Add this to your practice! Bodyworkers, Yoga Therapists, Estheticians, Acupuncturists, Naturopathy, Nurses, Mental Health Workers, Reiki Practitioners, Self Care
What materials will I need?
The Ayurveda and Marma Therapy book by Dr. Frawley, Dr. Lele, Dr. Rhanade

Are There any Pre-requisites?
This course gives you a thorough foundation in Ayurveda. The only pre-requisite is Marma Therapy Level I is required to attend the Level II Live training. 
Is There a Payment Plan Option?
Yes! In the Payment checkout, you will be able to create a customized payment plan with Klarna :)
Ayurvedic Bodywork is in high demand and there simply isn't enough therapists for Ayurvedic Practitioners and Doctors to send their clients to, or for those oriented to Ayurveda to book services. 

The world desparately needs Ayurvedic Bodyworkers more now than ever! I hope you are inspired to make these sacred healing arts part of your offerings.

Enroll in 3 Easy Steps!

Seva Van Why

Meet the
Founder & Instructor
who's guiding inspired students around the world to grow the ancient healing arts of Ayurveda

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